
Valiente Mott


Valiente Mott

Type of project

SEO Keyword Insights

Done at


The Challenge

Valiente Mott wanted to expand their average handful of web leads by 100x.

The Solution

Victorious addressed Valiente Mott’s pain points head-on with a strategy designed to target their local audiences.

The Results

Valiente Mott saw a 2,987% increase in organic search traffic, quickly climbing the ranks in SERPs to become the #1 result for “personal injury attorney salt lake city.”

As a Las Vegas law firm dedicated to helping personal injury victims, Valiente Mott’s mission is to ensure its clients aren’t out-muscled by insurance companies. With their first-hand knowledge and industry experience, Valiente Mott hoped to acquire more leads. So, they decided they needed a straightforward approach to growing their organic search traffic in service of more new business.


After 6 months


An aggregate position change exceeding 8,223 placements.

Since the start of our campaign with Valiente Mott, tracked keywords have grown an aggregate of 8,223 positions. They went from 0 page one keywords to a whopping 1,533 year-over-year.


90.65% new sessions from search.

  1. The increase in new sessions represents an addition of 85,000 new organic visitors to Valiente Mott’s site.

A 23,249% increase in Google CTR.

As their number of ranking keywords and top placements grew, Valiente Mott saw a massive increase in their overall click-through rate from Google, proving that a sound strategy from a committed SEO agency acts as a powerful engine for success.


Valiente Mott’s biggest competitors were so shaken by their sudden domination of local search rankings that they couldn’t help but ask about the secret to their success. The secret is, there is no secret — a committed SEO agency, solid strategy, and dedication to implementing recommended changes turned Valiente Mott from impossible to find to impossible to ignore.


YoY Google CTR


Ranked Page 1 Keywords YoY


personal injury attorney salt lake city

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