
Cunningham Legal

Cunningham Legal
Type of project

SEO Keyword Insights

Done at


The Customer

CunninghamLegal specializes in estate planning, trust administration, advanced tax planning, business law, and real estate transactions. The firm is dedicated to helping families protect and transfer multi-generational wealth, offering personalized legal services tailored to each client’s unique needs.

The Challenge

The pandemic-related lockdown was threatening job security at CunninghamLegal and they hoped an aggressive SEO strategy could help them improve conversion rates to support their staff.

The Solution

Victorious identified opportunities for technical SEO improvement while utilizing keyword research and link-building strategies to boost rankings and drive high-quality traffic.

The Results

CunninghamLegal saw a 350% increase in organic traffic, which boosted revenue and allowed them to reestablish job security for their hard-working staff.

Estate planning can be complicated and businesses like CunninghamLegal are there to help people navigate the process. However, when COVID-19 hit the scene, Cunningham found themselves quickly pulled into a pandemic-induced spiral. With jobs on the line and stress levels high, they turned to SEO to guide them back to calmer waters.


After 4 months


A 350% increase in organic traffic (YoY).

Organic traffic was up 350% — surpassing the campaign’s goals by almost double.


A 354% increase in page one keywords.

With an additional 195 keywords ranking in the top 10 of Google SERPs, overall keyword growth on page one more than tripled in just seven months.


485 organic website leads from one piece of content.

Content created to capture interest in California’s changing estate laws generated nearly 500 leads, with referrals pouring in from other law firms as CunninghamLegal was quickly recognized as an expert in navigating the new law’s impacts on property taxes.


CunninghamLegal’s success story illustrates what’s possible in a partnership that’s tirelessly focused on what matters most. Our working relationship with CunninghamLegal continues to grow and develop as we work with them on business objectives that are now set on thriving instead of barely surviving.


YoY Organic Traffic


Page One Keywords


Organic Website Leads from One Piece of Content

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